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The ecological Learning center is part of a green campus proposition affiliated to Casablanca Architecture School to the support the educational and cultural structures in order to provide social, economic and envioronmental stability. It tends to offer a diverse program for both daytime and night activies with convivial spaces in constantn relationship with green. 

The layout was designed to showcase a central exhibition space that marks the center of the building thanks to its cube proportions and its transparent walls. 

It is surrounded by corridors serving other spaces, considered as single independant blocks. A fragmented set made to provideo some independance to each area while focusiong on their relationship with the outside. 

The building has only one level with a main entrance facing north. Because of no need to carry heavy floors, material chosen for the structure are steel, while the walls were fillend with straw bales for insulation and low cost. Concerning the roof, the use of cork with a cladding sheet was preferred. 

The height of the ceiling is a different in each block. The cube and the library, for example, are about 4 meters high with sloping roofs to create a bioclimatic greenhouse and therefore ventilate the spaces. 
south side oriented photovoltaic panels are use to optimize their effectiveness and also recover rainwater.

The south facing workpierce enjoys a solar wall for better therman controle, while the cafeteria has a solar chimney for releasing heat as well as odos and has a photovoltaic panel with wind turbine which sypplies electrical energy. 

The East-oriented block , not receiveing a lot of heat during the day are, for their part, ventilated through underground heat. The plant facor has a pamount importance in the design of passive buildings, many plants are used to purify the air. 

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