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As initiated by Michel Foucault, the notion of heterotopia can be considered as a valid tool at architects and urban planners’ disposal to guide them through a thought about urban space.

By definition, an heterotopia is a physically located space that draws an illusion, an imperfection or a perfection and has a regulating role in a complex system.

In that regard, and consequence of normalization and institutionalization of professional
and leisure times, recreational spaces are an available tool for human beings to avoid and
forget daily-life worries and constraints.

Therefore, the thesis questions the evolution of recreational space and its relation with social mutations and touristic practices and their impact on urban and architectural transformations.
From fun fairs to huge Entertainment and commercial centers, Leisure parks have been spaces of experiments to become source of inspiration for artists, urban planners and theorists.
Worldwide, metropolises embrace new development schemes based on entertainment and mass tourism. Leaving the question open about the relevance of those projects, their social and economical impacts and the values they can transmit.

Our project takes a look to Casablanca area and tries to find a new way to approach recreational space through the proposal of an experimental communitarian park, inspired by alternatives cultures and advocating for social inclusion and empowerment. 

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